All hands on deck.
Shore based vacancies
Eager for a chance to work for an industry leading company where every day is different? Are you looking for the chance to be empowered, to make decisions but be part of a supportive, high-achieving team?
With locations worldwide, we’re ready to build on your skills, qualifications and experiences.
Explore our current shore-based vacancies.

Sea careers
At Seapeak, when we say it’s 'all hands on deck' we really mean it. We are a team: a team committed to building successful careers and future leaders.
If you want access to cutting edge industry training, competitive compensation, reliable scheduling and a chance to sail on exciting routes for a progressive and inclusive company then we could be the perfect fit for you.

Building cadet careers at Seapeak
When it comes to cadets, simply providing sea-time experience is not enough. We are passionate about developing future leaders.
One of our core values is to 'Lead the Way'. We want to ensure that everyone, including our cadets, is empowered to play a part in steering our business to thrive. We are committed to providing valuable mentorship, training and support to promote our cadets through the ranks.
Come join us and learn the ropes at Seapeak.